Hi There mate!

At Soilmates, we're on a mission to tackle food waste.

Psst... listen up

We believe in nature's magic.
No interference needed. But sadly, too many of our natural treasures get tossed aside just because they don't fit supermarket or consumer beauty standards. Avocados included!

Did you know? More than 20% of all avocados get tossed away for being ‘too ugly’. That’s over a million avocados a day in Europe alone! This is when Soilmates come in, rescues them and squeezes out the good stuff. The result? The superhero of cooking oils. Yep, beauty is on the inside, mates!

Upcycling 'ugly' avocados

Fighting food waste is at the heart of what Soilmates do. Dedicated to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and pollution by upcycling 'category two' avocados. We source these 'uglys' locally from European ports, ensuring we tackle local waste with care. 

We give them some love, send them to the factory and squeeze the health out of them. They’re then popped into bottles, hugged with our label and sent to you, to be welcomed into your kitchen.

The ugly process

How do we make our oil.


Little avo pips are planted in patches of soil on farms across the world. They’re watered with care, and grow into beautiful avocado trees.


Avocados are plucked from the branches and sorted. Those that look good are given the go-ahead for shipping. Those that don’t are left behind, upcycled at source.


The avos start their journey across the seas. Some ripen along the way. Some don’t. Many pick up a bump here and a bruise there.

Arrive in europe

After a few weeks of travel, the avocados – those that made the trip just fine and those that look a little worse for wear – arrive at the port in Rotterdam.

Sorted again

In the Netherlands, the avos are sorted into two groups: those good enough for supermarkets, and ‘category two’ avocados – the ‘uglys’. This is where Soilmates come in. We love the uglys. We rescue them.


While the pretty avos are sent to retail, the uglys are bundled up and taken to a factory in Ridderkerk, where Soilmates squeeze the health out of them. Hello, avocado oil!


Because we only use ‘ugly’ avocados, they need to go through a short, natural refining process. This gives us a smooth, pure and nutrient-rich cooking oil. 


The oil is poured into bottles, and hugged with the Avocado Oil label. Look at them: standing proud, ready to join their pretty avo friends on supermarket shelves. 


Bottles are lined up in stores in Albert Heijn, and on the web shops of Picnic, Crisp and Pieter Pot, just waiting to be chosen and taken home by a Soilmate. Is that you?


Now is their time to shine! Soilmates Avocado Oil makes its debut in kitchens across the country and worldwide, popping up in everything from salads and stir-fries, to smoothies and steak recipes.

We love the uglys

Here's the scoop on rejected avocados – the "uglys": they're just as packed with goodness as the beauties. It's all about what's inside, bursting with power-packed nutrients. Soilmates come to the rescue, giving these avocados a new life as healthy cooking oil. This oil becomes the heart of sustainable and delicious creations, reducing waste and feeding more people. It's what makes us beam with pride.

Macadamia oil - rich in flavor


At Soilmates, we're all about the facts, 100%. We're nerding out on numbers, diving deep into the health benefits of rescued food, the nutritional punch of our products, and our impact on the planet. We back it all up, ensuring that every innovation we cook up is worthy of a celebration.