Soilmates are all about making healthy food damn delicious.
Did you know?
More than 20% of all avocados get tossed away for being ‘too ugly’. That’s over a million avocados a day in Europe alone! This is when Soilmates come in, rescues them and squeezes out the good stuff. The result? The superhero of cooking oils.
Yep, beauty is on the inside, mates!

About the campaign
Why does everything have to be beautiful in our society? And in advertising even more so?
Let’s tell it how it is. Let’s share our thoughts on what people may find ugly, but sure as hell is not. Let’s tell people to look beyond appearances and look for true qualities. On the inside. Because that’s where you find true beauty.
This is a story that exceeds avocado’s. And we found the perfect guy to share it.

Soilmates. It’s the inside that counts.
Creating everyday products that are better for the planet, better for our bodies, better for the whole family.